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Ex-beauty queen Munachi Abii stuns in new photos

Former beauty queen and rapper Munachi Abii, who
nowadays is an actor on the series Indigo, releases new
pictures as she continues to forge her comeback in the
entertainment industry. More pics when you continue…



TOO MUCH!! 50 Cent’s rumoured new Chick Tiffany Maiyon shares bad sexy photos

This is Tiffany Maiyon, she was linked to 50 Cent a few weeks ago after the two were spotted getting cosy on a night out. See more photos after the cut…

Amber Rose is unrecognizable in long dark hair

Amber Rose decided to switch things up by rocking a long dark weave..She simply said “I’m ready for you”.Smoking!
See another below

Leak Fotos: Lagos Business Woman Focking Fotos Released

How To Repair Your Relationship After Messing Up BIG TIME

If you’re the one who messed up, it’s time you fessed up. Your relationship broke up. Maybe you lied or cheated. No matter what happened, getting your ex to forgive you is a little bit of work. But listen, it’s not completely impossible. First, a warning, however. Your ex’s forgiveness is never guaranteed. You might never get your ex to completely forgive you. What I can offer is a roadmap. And hopefully the roadmap will lead you to forgiveness and a second chance. 

Things No Adult With Self Respect Should Be Doing On Facebook

Facebook has a funny way of turning even the most tolerable humans into oversharing, overbearing agents of off-the-charts annoyance. Maybe that’s just the nature of social networking… or maybe Justin Timberlake is to blame? (I’ll re-watch The Social Network, and circle back…) 

At any rate, there are some serious Internet etiquette faux pas that are unacceptable after you become a “real” fully functional adult (with rent, LinkedIn, and at least one failed career and/or long-term relationship). The first step on your path to digital enlightenment is acknowledging the problem areas, and nixing them from your newsfeed. You want to be taken seriously — it’s the only way you’ll ever get a bank loan. 

3 Reasons People Don't Reply to Your Messages

Here are 3 reasons why people ignore messages::: 

1.There are too many different kinds of messages out there. Between texts, tweet, Facebook messages, LinkedIn emails, traditional e-mails, voice mail, and others, it’s easy for any single message to get lost in the shuffle. 

2. People are too busy. Everybody’s rushing and multi-tasking, zipping from one activity to another with mobile devices glued to their ears and fingers—and in a generally frenetic environment it’s easy to have small things like messages slip through the cracks. 

10 Important Nutrients Every Woman Needs

Everyone’s nutrient needs are not exactly the same. While most people benefit from the same vitamins and minerals, a woman’s needs can be a little different because her body goes through different things throughout life. Here are 10 nutrients that are important for women to get. 

1. Folic acid. Folic acid is especially important for women of childbearing age, but all women benefit from this vitamin. For women of childbearing age it’s an important vitamin because it promotes healthy pregnancy. Lack of folic acid can result in neural tube defects that lead to cerebral palsy. In addition to taking a prenatal vitamin for folic acid, you can get folic acid from leafy green vegetables, avocado, and liver. 

SHOCKING!!! Side Effects of Marijuana You May Not Know About

The drug can affect more than your physical health. Studies in Australia in 2008 linked years of heavy marijuana use to brain abnormalities. This is backed up by earlier research on the long-term effects of marijuana, which indicate changes in the brain similar to those caused by long-term abuse of other major drugs. 

Top 6 Herbal Remedies For Headache Relief

Headaches can be caused by anything from caffeine withdrawal to one too many cocktails. Whenever you feel like a jackhammer is chipping away at your skull, it can be very hard to concentrate, let alone work. Their are two different types of headaches: primary headaches and secondary headaches. Primary headaches encapsulate a variety of headaches including tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. 

Migraine and cluster headaches are episodic and recurring conditions, while tension headaches are episodic and can become chronic. Secondary headaches are much more serious than primary headaches. Many different neurological disorders can trigger a secondary headache, including tumors, aneurysms or infections. Many people resort to their nearest medicine cabinet at the first signs of a headache. Yet these medications can have dangerous side effects and, can be toxic to various organs. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural ways to treat a headache. 

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